Contributing to the WATAC Golf-A-Thon

Ways to contribute to the WATAC Golf-A-Thon:


Make a single, fixed-amount donation to the player of your choosing (Fill in the "..ENTER PARTICIPATING GOLFER" section).

The Washington Area Tougaloo Alumni Chapter (WATAC) is a 501 (c) (3) designated organization by the IRS.


Making a pledge allows you to specify the dollar amount you will contribute per each hole completed by the player you choose. This incentivizes the players to play as many holes as they can physically stand. Amounts are per hole and can be any dollar amount; for example $1, $2, or $5 or more.

Once the event has completed and the players score card is turned in, an email will be sent to you listing the number of holes played and the resulting total contribution owed from your pledge.

Transactions can then be completed using PayPal’s secure, online payment site or mail a check payable to:

1204 Colvin Meadows Lane
Great Falls, VA 22066-1801

Make the Donation

Select the icon

For Pledges

No further action is necessary.  You will receive an email with the link to submit your donation after the conclusion of the Golf-A-Thon. Click Here to return to the Golf-A-Thon home page  or dismiss (X) this page.